FOODEX JAPAN app: Release in December (scheduled)!
Please install it before visiting the venue (Tokyo Big Sight).

App screen preview
01. Instantly display your Visitor Badge Exchange Ticket from the app to scan it and you can print your badge.
02. View the venue map. (The printed venue maps will not be distributed in this exhibition.)
03. No need to bring business cards! You can exchange business card information with exhibitors using the app. (The exchanged information can be downloaded as a CSV file from your visitor My Page.)
Additionally, the app offers convenient and valuable features, including a favorites function for the Web guide and exclusive drink vouchers for those who download it.
Please make sure to download the app.
Click the button below to download the app.
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Search for "FOODEX" on the Apple Store or Google Play

Admission Method
Please scan the Badge Exchange QR code at the dedicated reader at the venue to issue your visitor badge.
You can only enter the exhibition hall with the visitor badge issued at the venue.